Questions and Answers — VDSina

How do I connect to the server via RDP with Windows OS?

How do I connect to VDS via the Windows Remote Desktop Connection feature?

29.05.2015 09:23 Employee Виктор Иванов Updated 14.05.2019 15:29 no comments yet
29.05.2015 09:23
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Виктор Иванов

Launch the RDP client at the path: Start -> Programs -> Standard -> Remote Desktop Connection

To work with the server through the Windows Remote Desktop Connection feature, enter the IP address of your VDS in the Computer field, and in the User field enter the computer user name entered when installing Windows on VDS (by default, Administrator). 




The standard connection port is 3389

If there is no connection, you must first check the status of the RDP service on the server, as well as blocking by the Windows Firewall and other installed firewalls. 

Updated 15 February, at 15:38 29.05.2015 09:28

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