Questions and Answers — VDSina

How do I connect to the server via VNC?

How do I connect to the server via VNC?

24.07.2015 12:05 Employee Антон Сверщевский Updated 07.11.2019 13:35 1 comment
24.07.2015 12:05
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Антон Сверщевский

You can connect to the server via VNC in the control panel or using a local VNC client:

1. Select the server by clicking on the link with its name in the "My Servers" section.

2. Go to the "Access" tab and click on the "VNC" button or on the icon with the image of the eye to view the connection data through the local VNC client.




To start working with the console or desktop of the operating system, you need to left-click on any area of the VNC window.

Updated 15 February, at 15:40 24.07.2015 12:09

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