Questions and Answers — VDSina

Running the Android emulator on a virtual server

Is there an option to run the Android emulator on a Windows virtual server?

07.10.2019 16:56 Employee Misha Updated 07.10.2019 16:56 no comments yet
07.10.2019 16:56
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Misha

Unfortunately, most emulators cannot be started due to the limitations of the virtualization system and the lack of a discrete graphics card.

But it is possible to launch the Android application player - BlueStacks App Player.

1. First, install Net Framework 3.5 on your server. To do this, run on the command line:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All

2. Next, download the BlueStacks App Player to the server and install it. You will be able to get to work in a few minutes.

The method has been tested and works on Windows Server 2012.

Updated 24.02.2020 18:24 07.10.2019 17:00

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