Questions and Answers — VDSina

How can I restore the password to the billing panel?

How do I restore access to the billing panel?

29.05.2015 12:44 Employee Виктор Иванов Updated 05.02.2016 09:46 no comments yet
29.05.2015 12:44
Answers to the question — 1
Employee Виктор Иванов

Go to the page of our website, then click the Login button in the upper right corner and then click the remind password link.




After you enter your email, you will receive a link to your email that you need to click to get a new password. The new password will be sent in the second email.

Attention! You can request password recovery again 4 hours after the first request.

Updated 15 February, at 18:40 29.05.2015 12:47

To answer you need to register or log in.
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